Sunday, August 23, 2009

Late Night Shenanigans

So it was turning late a few nights ago, and we were running some reg ToC run's and finished ported back to dalarn. So on my mage I went to go sit in my normal seat to enjoy a night of talking on vent and wow... until someone was in it... some stupid pally then it became a game, joined by a few other guildies it became a night full of late night pranks. We all decided to follow a random alliance pally, wich was hillarious but was even better when he got into our group just to DI someone and commit suicide. Then we followed another random stranger for a few, until we decided to get a lock and get into the horde only inn and say hello to the hordies, and generally goof around until the wee hours of the morning, more story to come of this......

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