Tuesday, August 18, 2009

UI's, Speed runs, and Ulduar oh my!

So after about 4 years of WoW on and off I finally got to the point where I wanted something different with my UI, so with the help from a friend I decided to change the look of my UI by a ton.... its not as hard as it looks, and is really helpful for raids when you finish it, of course mine isnt as racey as ahm's is but it gets the job done all the same.

Also during the past week or so, a few of us have been pushing really hard to run speed run's of heroics for easy epics.. to view a list of times and the racey UI look here Stories Of The Tentacled Mind. Speed run's are a blast to do, the only problem now is that we have been ramping down a lot, expecially on raid days when there is raid prep to do, bosses to preview ect.... and a lot of people are still wanting us to clear every heroic every day, which is fine if there was no door boss at all.

Finally Finally our guild managed to drop freya in ulduar on friday night.... let me give you a run down of the fight..
wipe 1
raid leader wanted us to control burn the 3 add's and drop them one at a time... wipe
wipe 2
same strat. except with 2 healers... wipe
wipe 3
another controlled burn but with assigned groups.... wipe
finally on I think the 4th attempt, our raid leader said in a PG way basically "Fuck it just burn them down and we will see what happens"
easy epics. so I guess the fuck it additude really does work sometimes..

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